Have not given up yet

If anybody has been watching this tiny blog since its startup, he may wonder what I am doing recent days. Tell you what, I have not given up yet.

For people who also want to have a change in their life, particularly those who desperately want to be a developer, I have to leave all these traces behind for you. No matter I fail in the end or not, I have to let you know how this life would be if you decide to change. And only if I write all these then under the circumstance that I fail, you would know why and how to prevent it from tragedy.

The sad story I always found on the internet is that sometime we just give up. And a half-way blog about learning Swift or anything is left there in dust. Maybe they are too busy to tell you the new life they have, or maybe they are back to old life and move on. We dont know.

OK. Focus on me now.

Last week, I invest the spare time of nearly one week to go through an app called Learn Programming with Swift by Sololearn Inc. It was great with so many examples which would not be boring. However, I have to say that the content is quite fundamental so it is very easy to get the final certificate. But still, it is useful to review the basic concept in a continuous and graceful manner. Recommend, definitely.

This time I think a systematic way of learning Swift is what I should try. A good book could do the help.

Will keep you posted. I am trying only post study notes instead of nonsense as above.

But I still wrote this post. Hope you understand why.